Monday, September 26, 2011


“Hey Coach!”

In little league, the NFL, and in soccer camps around the world, a coach is someone that teaches, consoles, trains, offers a shoulder to lean on, and can be counted on for swift correction.  The coach is the one that teaches teamwork, fundamentals, and how to win in style.

4S Model

In thinking about a career, it’s important to define exactly what that means to you as an individual.

At many universities, career is about getting a first job using the new skills from an undergraduate or graduate program.  Some organizations define career as more of a retention tool – focusing on keeping the individual engaged to drive organizational success.  Individuals at nonprofit and religious organizations might interchange career and calling, intimating that what they get up and do every day is driven by a larger force outside of themselves.

What is a career to you?

Elevator speech

Marketing and advertising can teach us a lot about creating a personal brand.

In advertising the challenge is to deliver a memorable and actionable message in thirty seconds to a minute.  On radio, these messages are a mixture of words and background sounds.  With television and streaming media, sights and sounds combine to deliver the message.  At an amusement park, all of the senses are stimulated to deliver the message in the first thirty seconds:  bright lights, bells ringing, the scents of tasty food drifting through the air – so sugary you can almost taste it, and the bustle of people.  The message that primes the rest of your experience is “you’ll have a great time here!”

In How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less, Nicholas Boothman writes:  “Believe it or not the attention span of the average person is about 30 seconds!