Monday, September 26, 2011

4S Model

In thinking about a career, it’s important to define exactly what that means to you as an individual.

At many universities, career is about getting a first job using the new skills from an undergraduate or graduate program.  Some organizations define career as more of a retention tool – focusing on keeping the individual engaged to drive organizational success.  Individuals at nonprofit and religious organizations might interchange career and calling, intimating that what they get up and do every day is driven by a larger force outside of themselves.

What is a career to you?

One way to think about career is as the string of professional experiences you’ve had, are having, and will continue to have throughout your life.  It may include owning a business, going to work every day, managing your personal wealth to maintain current income and future financial security.  It could mean standing in a pulpit on Sundays, teaching at a university on Thursday nights, speaking a few times a month, or giving Monday through Friday to someone else in order to pay for evenings and weekends to yourself.

The 4S Model is a way to craft your career approach in discrete, actionable steps.


Begin with Self, discovering who you are, where you’ve been, and where you want to go.  Know your strengths and weaknesses, what you like and what you don’t.  Create your guiding mission and vision.


All of the things happening around you, as well as how you engage the world, are part of your Surroundings.  This includes the macro level around world events and currency fluctuations, as well as the micro level of teams, daily interactions, and your personal connections.


Skills are gained through three methods:  formal learning and education, informal learning and education, and your experiences.  Your capability is the combination of your knowledge, skills, abilities, and other intangibles you possess.  Inventory your skills and create your development plan.


The final S is for Steps – these are the things that actually move you (the new, prepared you) towards your career goals and aspirations.  Create your own personal marketing plan.

The four components, Self, Surroundings, Skills, and Steps, are intended to be iterative in nature, not simply a one-time exercise.  Each step has tools and resources to help you along the way.

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