Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Does intelligence equal performance?

Intelligence.  So often it's treated as a fixed asset that an individual either has or doesn't have.  Intelligence that is particularly high is considered by some to be a wonderful gift.  If it is particularly low, some would have you believe it's a loathsome burden to be carried throughout life.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crazybusy - take a moment

I've been getting back into the physiology and workings of the brain lately, especially around the ideas of intelligence, working memory, and the way our minds react to stimulus.  More in the coming days on those, but wanted to share the opening words of Crazybusy, a book by Edward Hallowell, M.D.  It's an 11-second vignette describing his reaction to an old rotary phone, and a nice reminder that our brains sometimes take the quick and easy path.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Career Tips from Bob Pozen

Bob Pozen, author of Extreme Productivity and Too Big To Save, shares three important career tips in a recent Fast Company article entitled "Bob Pozen, Master of Extreme Productivity, Shares His 3 Most Effective Career Tips."  One of the great things about Fast Company is that you'll always know the content by its title. :)  Here's a quick overview

Monday, October 22, 2012

A favorite quote: Carol Dweck

A favorite quote from Carol Dweck, author of Mindset:  the New Psychology of Success:

"It's tempting to create a world in which we're perfect.  (Ah, I remember that feeling from grade school.)  we can choose partners, make friends, hire people who make us feel faultless.  But think about it - do you want to never grow?  Next time you're tempted to surround yourself with worshipers, go to church.  In the rest of your life, seek constructive criticism."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome from Fortress Thinking!

 For those linking from Fortress Thinking, welcome to my new blog home!

More to come, and glad you're here. :)


Friday, August 17, 2012

CFA Podcast: Personal Brand and Skills Assessment

This CFA Institute podcast entitled "Personal Brand and Skills Assessment" defines personal brand and delves into the relevance of brand to personal and professional success in organizations.

The key takeaway is this:  whether you manage it or not, you have a personal brand.  Others make assumptions about you based on their experiences with you and with your work/impact.  Greater awareness of this can lead to greater career success.

Friday, June 8, 2012

In the interview: the CASH model

You’ve done the hard work of creating your personal brand, building a winning resume, and scoring the big interview.  You’ve investigated the organization, know what questions to expect, and have thought about what makes you different and better than other candidates.

Chances are you don’t interview every day, so you might be working against your nerves a bit.  To make it easier, remember CASH – four simple reminders during the conversation.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Role Model

We all need someone to look up to.

A role model helps direct aspirations, measure the self against a greater standard, creates an environment of learning through differential analysis.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good career advice from John Lees

John Lees, career author and author of How to Get a Job You'll Love, offers some great advice to job seekers in a tough economy.  For the out-of work job seeker, consider this.  Here's a 16 1/2 minute podcast he recorded for HBR's IdeaCast, just right for a short commute or while you get ready for work (or to find work) in the morning.

For the working job seeker looking for a career change, Lees has some sage advice as well.  Lees is a contributor to the HBR Blog Network, and one of his more recent posts is  "To Get the Job of Your Dreams, Stop Dreaming."

If you're thinking about your next steps for whatever reason, check out the podcast and the post - think you'll enjoy both.

