Monday, December 28, 2009

Leadership Skills Continuum

Business Finance magazine has an November/December article called "The Leadership Skills Continuum."  Jeffrey Thomson from the Institute of Management Accountants writes that different leadership skills need to be developed along the career life cycle.

Article link

Thomson identifies five specific career points, and the skills to develop at each:

  1. entry level

  2. young professional

  3. seasoned practitioner

  4. senior management

He also calls out the three soft skills entry-level associates need to learn:

  1. emotional intelligence (see this earlier post)

  2. effective communication

  3. time management

These three skills can be improved at almost every point in an organization, from the new hires all the way to the executive suite.  It's helpful to remember that these soft skills will go a long way in making you more successful in your career and in life.

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