Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy

I've just finished Brian Tracy's 2007 book, Eat That Frog, 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, and found it to be a quick and interesting read.  Brian is a writer, speaker, and consultant focused on both personal and corporate development.

The major themes of the book:

  • Determine what's really important to you, where you want to be/go/become in the future.  Do so from both career and personal perspectives

  • Determine which tasks (frogs) are most important in achieving these goals

  • Tackle the biggest, ugliest frog first, and finish that task all the way through.  To achieve this, carve the big task into smaller, bite-sized tasks (insert eating an elephant reference here :) ).  With that one complete, tackle the next hardest and finish it as well

  • While doing these things, be sure to get plenty of sleep, time away from technology, and exercise at least 250 minutes per week

I like the clear, directive writing style of Tracy.  Be prepared with pen and paper when you pick it up, as you'll be making a few lists along the way.  As with any book of this kind, know that you'll have to take action on what you read to make a difference in your life.For fun, here are the 21 Great Ways.  If you want to know the book.-Bryan

  1. Set the table

  2. Plan every day in advance

  3. Apply the 80/20 rule to everything

  4. Consider the consequences

  5. Practice creative procrastination

  6. Use the ABCDE method continually

  7. Focus on key result areas

  8. Apply the Law of Three

  9. Prepare thoroughly before you begin

  10. Take it one oil barrel at a time

  11. Upgrade your key skills

  12. Leverage your special talents

  13. Identify your key constraints

  14. Put the pressure on yourself

  15. Maximize your personal powers

  16. Motivate yourself into action

  17. Get out of the technological time sinks

  18. Slice and dice the task

  19. Create large chunks of time

  20. Develop a sense of urgency

  21. Single handle every task


  1. You must be a genius. I love your posts, will come back later.

  2. sounds like a million other books
