Friday, December 17, 2010

UBS Dress

UBS, the swiss financial services firm, has recently made headlines with a dress code.  Today it's merely a five-office pilot program, but might be rolled out to all Switzerland if successful.  If you would like to read more, check out Huffington Post, Third Age, The Wall Street Journal, Styleite, or Clusterstock (a personal favorite).

The guide is consistent with UBS culture and brand, and many make sense for anyone wishing to present themselves well to others.  Here are a few paraphrased tips from the guide:

  • Clothes are an extension of non-verbal communication

  • Make sure your clothes fit

  • Underwear should not be seen

  • Wear scents lightly

  • Button a suit when standing or walking, unbutton when seated

It's refreshing to see this as front page news, as often personal presentation is something we're left to guess if we're getting right. :)

If you don't work for UBS in Switzerland and would like your own manual for dress and presentation, search for "gentleman" or"lady," along with the word "dress" at your favorite online bookstore.  A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up:  What to Wear, When to Wear It, How to Wear It, by Bryan Curtis and John Bridges is part of my personal library.  It isn't with the rest of my books - its home is in my closet on a shelf just above my suits.




  1. It seems at times that the undergraduates joining organizations are driving what you reference as "presentation" in the workplace. I enjoy the fresh thinking they bring, but sometimes long for the halcyon days of IBM suits and cap-toed Ferragamos.

  2. these guys would get tossed out of google
