Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fiscal cliff coverage: Zero Hedge, others

The fiscal cliff talks in Washington, D.C. affect all of us:  as managers, employees, and entrepreneurs.  Not offering a play-by-play here, but if you're keeping up with the fiscal cliff talks anyway....

Check out Zero Hedge.  The blog covers a great deal of economics and the markets, and offers several posts on the ongoing conversations in Washington.  New posts are added at a pretty fast clip, and the past few days 12/30 through 1/1 offer interesting perspectives.

For the political junkie there is always Politico, which is delivering great coverage of the unfolding events as well - including the full text of the bill.

The Congressional Budget Office has been working overtime as well to provide some quick analysis of the estimated budgetary effects of the House bill.


1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't exactly call zerohedge.com a balanced news source. Politico.com I like tho!
