Thursday, May 2, 2013

Failure and success

"If you are succeeding in everything you do, then you're probably not pushing yourself hard enough.  And that means you're not taking enough risks.  You risk because you have something of value you want to achieve."
- John Maxwell, Failing Forward

Failure.  Missing the mark.  Screwing up.  Oops.  For 88% of us making new year's resolutions, the mark will likely be missed.  Failure is a given for all of us.

Success.  Making it.  Getting where we want to be.  Winning.  For 100% of us that awoke this morning, we have succeeded at something.  Success is a given for all of us.

A great deal has been written about failing forward, and I'll spare you a re-write.

We often think of success and failure as opposites, even defining failure as "the lack of success."  However, success and failure are only opposites for a brief moment in time, when a single thing is being measured.  We rarely learn in success, but always learn in failure - and for us to be successful, failure is a key ingredient.

Make success.



  1. True, but I get tired of failing!

    1. then quit doing it

    2. Keep failing forward, making progress against your goals, and over time you'll see how far you've come.
